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How to Leverage the Three Ms to Achieve The Results You Want

How do you make sure that 12 months from now, you have the results you want to achieve?

We know that many aspects of our lives can go sideways and are out of our control. I also know that they are factors that are under our control as business owners and as professionals in the business world.

By following these tactics I'm going to teach you today, I guarantee that you will make signficant progress toward your 12-month goals starting today. So, let's talk about mindset, marketing, and momentum.


Your mindset impacts everything that you do.

Are you a growth-minded person, or are you a fixed-minded person?

Growth-minded people believe that abilities can change, that you and others can grow and learn, and that there are always possibilities and options. They also believe that when things happen, they're happening "for you," as Byron Katie says. So even when you don't get the outcomes you want in life, you look at what happened, glean the lessons, and then move forward using those lessons to tweak what you do and improve future outcomes.

People with a fixed mindset believe that nothing changes. People don't change; abilities don't change. It's difficult for them to see the "possibilities," and they tend to believe that things are happening "to me." They feel a sense of disempowerment as things seem out of their control.

Your results and what you are experiencing in your life are 100% correlated to your mindset.

What is your mindset when it comes to your 12-month goals? Are you optimistic about the future outlook, or are you pessimistic, thinking that what you desire is not attainable?

Whatever you believe, guess what? You're absolutely right.

If you're looking for the outcomes and you want to see those outcomes in your life, assess your mindset and start to think obout, "what can I be doing to achieve the goals and ideals I want to enjoy 12 months from now in my business or my career?"

Marketing & Personal Brand

If you have a small business, then marketing simply means focusing on reaching your audience:

  1. Who is my ideal client?

  2. How am I speaking to my ideal client?

  3. How am I positioning my services and products to solve the problems they have?

  4. How can I uniquely help them solve these problems?

No one's going to hire you unless they understand that you are the person who will help them solve a problem. You know that because you already have customers that come to you, what

is it that they need that you can provide?

If you don't put yourself out there, you will be doing them a disservice because they will not be able to find you.

If you are an individual in a company, and you are working within the confines of an organization, not running your own business, then marketing translates into your personal brand.

Your personal brand is what people say about you when you leave the room. If you aren't getting the promotion or role you believe you're qualified for, and if you're looking to expand your role and responsibilities, consider answering these key questions:

  1. How am I presenting myself?

  2. How am I standing in, showing, and living my personal brand?

  3. How am I uniquely contributing in the workplace?

  4. How am I showing up? (e.g., doing my job, going home, and that's it?)

It can be very challenging to get promoted. If you look into advancing your career, you have to know how to develop relationships and connect with people. That's part of promoting your personal brand--how you make and build relationships with people. This includes how you connect with them, and articulate your value with your mentors, peers, your team, people above you, who can help you navigate the workplace and who can open doors for you so that you can get to your next level.


Momentum is all about taking action. If we have dreams and goals and ideas and don't implement them, we don't have momentum.

To succeed in your business and your career and achieve your targets and goals, it's important to have the right growth mindset, marketing, and messaging. It's also crucial to execute and take action that leads to what you want to enjoy.

When you tap into your potential, you take action. That action gives you results. If it's not what you want, you go back, tweak, and try again. That's a positive momentum loop.

The opposite is also true. In a negative momentum loop, you tap into a little bit of your potential. You take very little action. You get poor results, and you validate your belief, "You see, it's not working, so why am I bothering?" and then you tap into even less of your potential, take even less action, get dismal results, and the negative momentum loop continues.

As you'v heard, life is not a dress rehearsal. If you happen to be in a negative momentum loop, let's snap out of that.

Life's too short to simply survive. We've experienced that with the pandemic causing all kinds of havoc in our lives in the past year. So many lives have been lost. Businesses have been shut down.

Who wants to live in survival mode? Not me. And as your coach in these five minutes, I'm taking a stand for you and the clients and strategic partners I get to serve daily.

Bringing It All Together

So, these are the three pieces of the puzzle that I'm giving you today:

  1. Assess your mindset and begin to shift toward a growth mindset. You have potential, as do others around you, including your team. Begin to look for the "possbilities" and become more resourceful to look for the solutions you and your team need.

  2. Focus on your marketing. Ensure that you have the proper messaging for your ideal clients and let them know how you solve their problems. Articulate to the people around you when you are connectign with them and networking how you serve your company and contribute to your team--begin to live, intentionally, your personal brand.

  3. Jump-start your momentum. Check, "How much action am I taking?"

If you're not getting the results you want in your career or businsess, use that as an indication that most likely you will benefit signficantly by tweaking your mindset, your marketing, or your personal brand, and your momentum.

At ExectiveBound, we're always here to support you to create a clear 12-month vision in your career and life, and to help you address the challenges and remove the obstacles that are getting in the way of you living your most empowered life.

As leaders, it always starts with us. You can reach us at to set up a complimentary strategy session and explore how our programs can help you rise to your full potential.

In the meantime, be fearless! (act despite the fear)

Coach Ginny 💕

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About Dr. Ginny A. Baro

Dr. Ginny A. Baro is a sought-after international motivational speaker & leadership coach, a career strategist, and #1 bestselling author of Fearless Women at Work.

Ginny specializes in partnering with organization to develop leadership teams at all levels of management. And she supports individuals navigating a corporate hierarchy or moving into an entirely new phase of their career. She has successfully facilitated live and virtual leadership training and coaching programs for individuals and Fortune 500 companies with over 140,000 employees and delivered keynotes impacting international audiences larger than 7,000. To learn more, visit ExecutiveBound.

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