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April 14th was the first year anniversary of our #1 bestselling book, Healing Leadership: How to Lead, Love, and Thrive in Business and Life. We are thrilled to share this celebration with you! Use promotion code CELEBRATE22 to download the eBook and claim your 15% discount bonus through the end of May!
This article explores the 21st quality we uncovered during the 41 interviews with industry leaders: How a commitment to your vision, values, and potential will support you starting today.
All 21 qualities (available from our blog) support you to increase your confidence, remove self-doubt, and develop a growth mindset to advance as a leader and support your team to deliver on the organization's objectives.
These qualities are those healing and empowering leaders must possess to survive and thrive in these complex times.
Lean on "Commitment"
When I set out to write Healing Leadership, one of the qualities that I used to finish the book and build a successful 30-year career was the quality of commitment.
This piece is the last article in our Healing Leadership Series. I want to wrap up by saying thank you to you for being with us throughout all 21 qualities. If you missed any of them, I highly recommend making them part of your self-development time as you go through them.
What Does Commitment Look Like?
I want to share three different ways in which commitment has shown up in my life and the benefits I've enjoyed.
Hopefully, as I share that story, you can also reflect on how your commitment as a leader and in your own life has paid off.
As leaders, we role model for our teams how this quality of being committed as a leader in your life and business can lead to success. Our teams are watching us. It's our responsibility to ensure they also read about these qualities. Feel free to share what you have been learning through these blogs.
Let's start with the first aspect of commitment and how it shows up in my life and yours.
Commit to Your Vision
Commit to your vision as a leader, the person you are now, and who you want to become in life.
I immigrated to the United States in 1983, at 14 years old, from a small village near Haiti, in the Dominican Republic, and I joined a brand new world. My dream back then was to break the cycle of poverty and become an independent woman who could stand on her own.
Then, my vision was, how do I go from who I was--a 14-year-old immigrant who didn't speak English, had zero friends, and didn't know the culture--to a professional woman with a career who is financially and emotionally independent?
My commitment to that vision allowed me to pursue and show up for myself in various ways.
I reached out to resources to ask for help and was humble along the way. I worked hard not to let the obstacles in front of me that could prevent me from reaching my vision stop me.
This vision gave me resilience, the ability to land on my feet no matter how many times I got knocked down.
This approach allowed me to identify the steps that I will need to take to make my dream a reality, to make my vision a reality.
Commit and Believe in Your Capabilities & Desires
I knew that I could not succeed in the U.S. unless I learned English. That was my number one priority. My parents played a significant part in helping me see this perspective.
I couldn't watch Spanish TV or listen to Spanish radio until I learned English as a teenager. That was a rule that my stepdad Joe set in our household.
Sometimes situations don't look ideal. And that's okay. What's most important is that you have clarity. Because clarity leads to confidence, you think, "Yes, I can do this and figure this out."
Having a belief in your capabilities, curiosity, and resourcefulness will be incredibly important for committing to your vision and the life you want to create starting today.
Circumstances change, and they can change at the drop of the hat. So don't believe that the factors around you will remain this way.
Since I began my business five years ago, I have had this vision to help companies develop leadership dream teams.
I wanted to play a role in developing inclusive leaders who were successful from a business perspective and committed to the people in their culture to make the workplace a better place. I use my commitment to my vision to inspire me.
I am committed to speaking my truth and contributing my experiences and expertise for the rest of my career. How? My books, leadership training, masterminds, retreats, podcasts, online courses, and anything else supporting that desire.
Today, I'm bringing learning and healing leadership to the workforce, to the leaders who are leading our companies and our organizations.
That commitment gets me up every day. It gets me to go out and mingle with people (live and virtually) and makes me serve my clients every day--to the best of my ability.
A big enough vision helped me remove so many obstacles and the challenges that I thought were in front of me. Today, it allows me to show you, my audience, many dimensions of who I am.
When working in the corporate world, I showed up, did my work, and interacted with people, but they saw one dimension of me. In this new role as the CEO and founder of my company, Executivebound and Fearless Women at Work, I get to show you so many more of my dimensions.
Now, our members experience me in a corporate setting as a transformational speaker and leadership coach, interacting with executives at all levels of the organization. I'm able to help organizations tap into the full potential of their most valuable asset, their people.
As a career strategist, I help individual leaders, especially women, navigate their careers to advance and get the most value and work satisfaction.
As an author, I share my thought leadership with the world. I never thought I could write a book until I became committed that I would share my voice and my experiences of 30 years with everyone in the world. So I committed to writing my books. I will continue to write books in the future on all different topics because that continues to unfold more of who I am and what I believe in.
The more I share the insights that I gleaned over a lifetime, now at 52 years old, and how that has benefited me, the more value I can provide to you and my audiences. If I can help one person in the world, I've done my job.
Likewise, the members of our programs get to explore who they are and get clear on the person they want to become and their compelling vision. Then, how to put it into practice and implement the steps to gain the capabilities they will need to achieve it.
These are some of my commitments, including showing you all aspects of who I am.
Commit to Your Values & Reaching Your Full Potential
Another way I have committed throughout my entire career is to live my values.
Having clear values around your personal life and your business is extremely important.
Your values become your GPS to making challenging and meaningful life decisions.
When I transitioned from being in the corporate world to running my own business, it was a clear value to reach my full potential.
That firm belief that I had so much more to offer allowed me to transition with a very strategic approach and ensured that I built a foundation that would support me as I made that transition.
As a single head of household, I support myself and my son. I needed to make that transition as smooth as possible to avoid impacting our livelihood negatively.
Five years later, I'm still committed to my vision, living my values, and reaching my full potential.
As I continue to work on my business and create new dreams for what I want to do and be in the world, I will continue to reach my full potential and help my clients and my son along the way to fulfill theirs. And there's nothing that I can share with you that feels better than that.
There're many things we can't control in the world, i.e., politics, the economy, environment. But, we can guide our beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and how we behave.
No one can tell us what to believe, think, say, and how to behave. All of these things are under our complete control.
Call to Action
As we conclude our Healing Leadership blog series, I wanted to remind you about the qualities healing and empowering leaders must possess to bring their best forward and create the best environment for their teams,
You- have all the keys in your pocket and the remote control to create the life you want.
Get crystal clear on your compelling vision for yourself, your team, your organization, and your company.
Declare what you're committing to being and doing.
Put in place a plan to help you get there--and not feel frustrated year after year that you're not making progress fast enough, don't feel valued, feel stuck, etc.
More often than not, getting that type of clarity can be difficult. We may not have the "space" to think clearly. We judge ourselves harshly, are feeling overwhelmed, stretched thin, tired of holding up multiple balls in the air at any point in time, and getting pulled in various directions simultaneously.
Actions lead to confidence.
If you have a tinge of curiosity about how you can get more clarity around your compelling vision and commitments, we are always here to support you.
Thank you for hanging in there with me and sharing your comments and feedback with me throughout these 21 blogs.
I'm here doing what I'm committed to-- reaching my full potential and supporting my son and you to achieve yours.
If you want to connect, reach out at www.callwithginny.com to set up a complimentary strategy session and explore how our programs can help you reach your full leadership potential--and we'll play some games too!
To learn what we are up to and what valuable training is available, visit our Events page at www.executivebound.com/events.
Live with purpose, live with joy!
Coach Ginny 💕
What our Members Say:
“Ginny, I wanted to thank you, again, for the Mastermind session today. Your ability to inspire others, to make one really "peel back the onion," and to question what we really ‘tell’ ourselves is simply amazing. You make me want to be a better person and a better leader. You have made me question so many of the negative narratives that I had about myself and to develop a new story for what I have been through (yes!). I am more mindful than I have ever been, and this has allowed me to regain the lost confidence that will enable me to bring my highest self to the situations and people that I encounter every day. I am a better person because of your influence and your strategies. Thank you, thank you.” Kecia

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Dr. Ginny A. Baro is an award-winning transformational speaker & leadership coach, career strategist, and #1 best-selling author of Healing Leadership and Fearless Women at Work. Ginny specializes in partnering with organizations and ERGs to develop leadership dream teams. And she supports individuals navigating a corporate hierarchy or transitioning into an entirely new phase of their career. She has successfully facilitated live and virtual leadership training and coaching programs for individuals and Fortune 500 companies with over 140,000 employees, and delivered keynotes impacting global audiences larger than 7,000. To learn more, visit ExecutiveBound.
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