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What possibilities can you create in 2021?

If you are curious about what possibilities you can create in 2021, we bring you four unique strategies and four challenges to help you achieve precisely that!

  • What will you tolerate?

  • Be a leader

  • Imagine

  • A sign of strength

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"People won't do what you ask them to. They will do what they think you will tolerate." ~Blaine Bartlett

What are you currently doing that will show people what you are willing to accept?

Your actions, not your words, speak to people about what you will accept or not. If you want a promotion, expand your role, earn more, and use more of your skills, how will you demonstrate to the people around you that you are ready for it?

If you ask yourself that question and answer it honestly, you will assess what kind of action you are taking and how you're executing those desires. Your efforts will send a message to the people around you that you are serious about your career and respect yourself.

When I was going through my career in the corporate world, I always had a growth mindset and wanted to advance, get to my next level each day, each week, each month. My managers and other managers in different departments I interacted with noticed that I was always learning something, putting myself out there--volunteering for projects, leading events, going the extra mile.

I was frequently involved in a committee or a group where I was expanding my knowledge. I was also contributing above and beyond my role--chairing a committee, arranging team-building activities for my department, etc. It was apparent that I was a go-getter, someone with aspirations, ambition, and who wanted to make the workplace a better place. I built relationships across the organization and attended graduate school at night to expand my knowledge and create future professional and personal growth opportunities.

If you find yourself not making progress, not moving the needle significantly in your desires right now, or feeling stuck, not getting noticed, ask yourself these questions:

How much action am I taking?

How am I communicating and expressing what I want to contribute?

How am I adding value and giving feedback, and supporting the people around me?

No one is required to look out for us--it is our responsibility to start by looking out for ourselves, our growth, our career and personal development, and our well-being.

Challenge #1: What are you currently doing to "show" the people around you at work what you are willing to accept?


This year, starting now, I'm inviting you to embody the identity of a leader. As one of my mentors says, Tony Robbins, "We don't do what we can; we do what we believe we are." When you believe you're a leader, you'll begin to act like one.

Being a leader is not determined by your title or the letters after your name. Leadership is not something you give to someone--leadership is a lifestyle. And there are leaders in all walks of life, not merely on the organizational chart.

You are a leader when you have a vision for the team, the organization, the company. A leader communicates that vision profoundly. Leaders share what they want to accomplish, and in doing so, they inspire others to follow them and execute on those beautiful ideas.

Leaders see the bigger picture--they zoom out and don't get stuck on the small future that everybody else around them sees.

Zooming out means asking, "Where are we now, where do we want to go in the future, and how do we get there?"

Leaders are inclusive and don't think that they need to have all the answers and be the only voice in the room. They know they can significantly impact the results when including others' ideas, expertise, and perspectives. This approach informs their resourcefulness--they can be more creative and find better solutions this way, a more comprehensive product or service. A leader appreciates the people around them and acknowledges they have something unique to contribute--the same as you.

Communication, appreciation, being inclusive--these are some of the essential qualities of leadership. You don't have to have a title next to your name to embody this lifestyle.

Start today by being the leader in your life--creating a compelling vision for your future. Get clear on your goals for the next 12 months, and take yourself seriously. Don't deprioritize your desires and put everyone else ahead of you. As you lead yourself powerfully, you'll become a better leader of others.

Challenge #2: Answer this question, "How can I become MORE of the leader I know I can become? How can I be more inclusive?


How do we create possibilities when we have stopped imagining what our lives and careers could be?

As a professional who transitioned from a corporate role to start a new business, I had to imagine myself moving away from a full-time corporate position and relying on my own skill sets to earn a living. It was a giant leap, one that I didn't take lightly.

Working for myself has required sacrifices--giving up a steady income, medical benefits, 401K savings, teammates. And it has also been gratifying. I have the flexibility to be there for my son, a renewed purpose, a vast community of new friends, and a chance to fulfill my full potential while supporting other professionals to reach theirs.

But, how can we imagine what our lives and future could be when we feel beaten down by life?

As humans, we've developed a cellular memory. We remember the bad things that happened to us, situations, or people who hurt us or beat us up and vowed never to try that thing again or be that way. Beyond our experiences, many of us absorb our friends, family, and colleagues' trials and failures and use their mishappenings as reminders to stay in our place!

We become conditioned to show up at work, do our job, keep our mouth shut, stay stealth mode, not rock the boat, and go home. I call this state survival mode. This scenario is not something that we only read about or watch on TV. We would never admit that we, and many others we know, live and work in survival mode.

If this is you, holding back, resisting, maybe even pissed that you aren't advancing as you expected or deserve, I want you to know that you are not alone. There are many across every organization in the same boat as you. The difference between one person and the other is what they choose to do about it.

As you set out to create opportunities for yourself in 2021...

What does it mean to imagine your future?
What opportunities could you create for yourself if you get out of survival mode?

It took much more than me only wishing for a compelling future. I had to ask myself, "Ginny, what do you want? Why is that important to you? And what will it take to make it happen?"

That was the genesis of a successful transition to a new career path. Living my envisioned compelling future, now I enjoy my son more and daily tap into my full potential. I'm able to support my clients in advancing their careers and income. I created the possibility to grow professionally, emotionally, and spiritually, motivating and speaking to global audiences, developing leadership dream teams, writing books, and so much more.

Challenge #3: Answer honestly, what is holding you back from "imagining" the opportunities that lie ahead? What is it that you want in your career, and why is that important to you?


My clients dream about getting support to manage competing priorities, having more confidence when communicating their ideas in public, removing self-doubt, having clarity on how to get promoted, navigating conflict and relationships at work, finding a new role.

While some people think that asking for support is a sign of weakness, I've learned that asking for help is a sign of strength and courage.

Depending on the roles that we are in, the titles that we have, or the preconceived notions of what other people expect from us, we may think that asking for help will make us look poorly in their eyes. We spin our wheels and become frustrated trying to figure something out alone.

When you ask for help, not only will you feel better, supported, you're also going to see more positive, faster results, which will improve your performance.

The people who you ask for help may already be experts on what you're trying to learn, helping you understand the shortcuts and avoid making the mistakes they made.

What contributes to not asking for help is a fixed mindset. We don't want to show that there are problems, admit that we don't know something, or step out of our comfort zone. We may fear others may label us incapable, inadequate, or not knowledgeable enough. The opposite of a fixed mindset is a growth mindset--a perspective that every failure or change brings an opportunity for growth.

I've experienced that typically the people I ask are willing to support me, just like I help them when they reach out. Creating opportunities in 2021 will require that you step out of your comfort zone, embrace a growth mindset, begin admitting when you need help, and ask for that support.

Here's your last challenge for today...

Challenge #4: How are you asking for help WHERE YOU NEED IT, and how are you not?

If you are curious about what it would be like to work with an experienced leadership coach and career strategist like me, and you're tired of doing this alone, let's set up a complimentary strategy session and get clear.

We'll discuss your challenges and the next best steps to achieve your 12-month goals. Let's connect here:

With love and appreciation,

Coach Ginny 💕


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About Dr. Ginny A. Baro

Dr. Ginny A. Baro is an award-winning motivational speaker & leadership coach, career strategist, and #1 best-selling author of Fearless Women at Work. Ginny specializes in partnering with organizations and ERGs to develop leadership dream teams. And she supports individuals navigating a corporate hierarchy or transitioning into an entirely new phase of their career. She has successfully facilitated live and virtual leadership training and coaching programs for individuals and Fortune 500 companies with over 140,000 employees, and delivered keynotes impacting global audiences larger than 7,000. To learn more, visit ExecutiveBound.

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