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Dr. Ginny A. Baro | speaker, trainer, leadership coach
Dr. Ginny A. Baro
Apr 10, 20233 min read
How to tackle the fear holding you back and support your teams
Photo on Unsplash How has a fear of failure/success been holding you back from achieving your goals? In today's vlog, I share "How to...
Dr. Ginny A. Baro
Jan 8, 20232 min read
How can you not let current struggles become your identity
How do you look at the glass, as half full or half empty? Today, in this brief vlog, I discuss "How can you not let current struggles...
Dr. Ginny A. Baro
Apr 2, 20215 min read
How to Deal With Disappointment and Make Sound Decisions
How are you currently dealing with disappointment? Some of us may call it a failure or unmet expectations--circumstances in life when we...
Dr. Ginny A. Baro
Feb 17, 20215 min read
How stories can keep you stuck from advancing
What would you do if you weren't afraid? This is a great question to ask yourself, especially at the start of a new year. It's truly...
Dr. Ginny A. Baro
Jul 18, 20195 min read
How to Navigate a Divorce and Grow Stronger
How can you get through life's challenging times without worrying about losing your job in the process? Here's one suggestion.
Dr. Ginny A. Baro
Jun 3, 201920 min read
How to Build An Environment for Innovation (VIDEO Interview)
Dr. Ginny Baro sits down with Tatyana Mamut former Amazon Web Services Director to discuss the essentials of innovation in the workplace.
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